Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Today marked a special day for me. Thus, I decided to scribble down something here.

In the mid of twenties, I often asking myself what I've done throughout the years? Well, so far everything is consider smooth in my life except sometimes shits happened too. (Forget about the bad things anyway!) Anyhow, I'm thankful I've a supportive family always by my side, a caring man whom I dated for 14 months and of course my best friends. All these awesome peoples served a big part in my life!

Today people been asking me what is my birthday wish in this year? All I want is something very simple this year, a HEALTHY BODY. As I grew up I realise nothing is more important than this. With the best of health I will only manage to do things I want to achieve in my life(travel, to be precise :p) I could remember how hard to drag a sick body to go travel around when I was in Taiwan last year. Thus, good health came in mind this time. I truly hope my body is in good contidion when I'm going to Cambodia next month.

Oh speaking about travel, for the past 2 years I had been travel to few places like SG, HK, Bangkok, Taiwan and Bali. For others, these places might just a nearby countries and nothing to shout about. In my case, it served a beautiful journey as I'm able to leave my footprint and explore all these interesting places. The country I wouldn't mind to visit every year gotta is Taiwan! Everything there is just so wonderful, the scenery, the food, the fashions, the people and the transportation are beyond my expectation! Hence, next year I'm going to visit Taiwan again for the spring season! Can't wait for the awesome trip :) And of course I hope to visit other countries as well. Hopefully my travel list going to add on with Boracay and Japan/Korea by next year!

Woots I crap alot today! Let's see when will I write something here again, signing off now!

Beautiful Scenery @ Lake Bratan


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